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2017 Colloquium on Communal Data Sharing

2017 Colloquium on Communal Data Sharing

Date: 2017-12-11 (Mon)
Time: 10:30 – 12:30
Website: http://odw.tw/2017/
Video & Slide: http://m.odw.tw/u/odw/collection/odw2017/

10:30 – 11:30 Toward Open Knowledge Environments (Paul Uhlir) [video] [slide]
11:30 – 12:30 The Inadequate, Invaluable Fair Information Practices (Woodrow Hartzog) [video] [slide]

The rapid change in information technology and data science has brought new challenges in data sharing and privacy protection. Researchers now often work on data sets sourced from multiple stake holders. There are also pressing needs to provide access to research data so as to validate results and to enable further research. The use and management of data is increasingly communal – data is generated from and shared by people for mutual benefits. Privacy, as it has been argued, refers not merely restrictions on acquiring personal data, but a set of principles and rules that govern the use of information and its disclosure. However, how to constitute a responsible framework to balance the risks and usability of data and improve transparency, accountability and participation in data management remains to be discussed. This colloquium explores these emergent challenges from a communal data sharing perspective. By forming a framework of self-governance, a communal approach to the management of personal data aims to empower individuals and reconfigure the traditional division of data provision and consumption.


7 years, 2 months ago

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