Road Ecology and Data Analysis 2018 道路生態暨資料分析 by odw

2018 道路生態暨資料分析國際研討會
2018 Road Ecology and Data Analysis Conference

日期:2018 年 6 月 20 日 (週三)
會場:中央研究院 資訊科學研究所新館 106 會議廳

Date: Wednesday, June 20, 2018
Venue: 106 meeting room, Institute of Information Science, Academia Sinica

=== Video index 影片索引 ===

Rodney van der Ree, 澳洲墨爾本大學副教授
從全球觀點來看道路生態學研究策略和路殺減緩方式的最佳做法 [英語]
Strategic research and mitigation programs in road ecology: A global perspective on best-practice [English]
Rodney van der Ree, Associate Professor, The University of Melbourne

Masachika Tsuji, 日本岡山理科大學副教授
日本的路殺現況與因應對策 [日語/華語]
The actual situation and countermeasures of Roadkill in Japan [Japanese/Mandarin]
Masachika Tsuji, Associate Professor, Okayama University of Science

Kristina Chyn, 德州農工大學博士候選人
以公民科學資料做野生動物路殺風險模式預測 [英語]
Modeling wildlife roadkill risk using citizen science data [English]
Kristina Chyn, PhD Candidate, Texas A&M University

研究資料寄存所的發展 [華語]
Development of a research data repository [Mandarin]
Tyng-Ruey Chuang, Associate Research Fellow, Academic Sinica

使用 Jupyter Notebook 視覺化動物路殺資料 [華語]
Roadkill data visualization in Jupyter Notebook [Mandarin]
Huang-Sin Syu, PhD Student, National Cheng Kung University

Johnathen Anthony博士生, 國立台灣大學
以專家和群眾協同合作的資料共同建立模型找出熱點和減緩路殺的優先順序 [英語]
Modeling and identifying roadkill hotspots with professional and crowdsourced data for prioritization of mitigation planning [English]
Johnathen Anthony, PhD Student, National Taiwan University

生態友善道路 [華語]
Eco-friendly provincial highway [Mandarin]
Chung-Chang Lee, Deputy Chief Engineer, Directorate General of Highways, MOTC Taiwan

Lee Fitzgerald, 德州農工大學教授
道路如何影響並導致特有種砂丘蜥蜴族群消失 [英語]
How and why roads make the endemic Dunes Sagebrush Lizard (Sceloporus arenicolus) disappear [English]
Lee Fitzgerald, Professor, Texas A&M University

紅外線自動相機監測陽明山國家公園內動物地下通道利用情形 [華語]
Monitoring the use of road-crossing structure by infrared-triggered cameras in Yangmingshan National Park, Taiwan [Mandarin]
Yi-Huey Chen, Associate Professor, Chinese Culture University

Dean Swensson, 英國Animex首席研究員
綜觀 Animex 塑料圍籬在減緩動物路殺成效的研究與案例 [英語]
Overview of Animex fencing research & examples of past road mitigation projects [English]
Dean Swensson, CEO and Researcher Fellow, Animex

臺灣國道中型哺乳動物路殺與減輕對策 [華語]
Mammal roadkill and mitigation measures of freeway in Taiwan [Mandarin]
Wei-Ting Liu, Freeway Bureau, MOTC Taiwan

高美溼地的路殺調查與改善 [華語]
Roadkill survey and mitigation in Gaomei Wetland [Mandarin]
Jyuan-Ru Tsai, Postdoctor Researcher, Tunghai University

臺灣動物路死觀察網參與者學習動機及學習成效問卷調查初步成果分析 [華語]
Preliminary result of TAIRON participants' motivation and learning outcome [Mandarin]
Chia-Hsuan Hsu, PhD Student, NationalTaiwan University

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