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公共衛生危機下的知識開放取用 | Open Access to Knowledge during Public Health Emergencies


莊庭瑞|中央研究院資訊研究所 |


本文以「知識開放取用」(Open Access to Knowledge)的角度,檢視新冠病毒全球大傳染之時,公共衛生資訊以及疫情基本資料的取得和使用。針對圖書、論文、研究資料集的開放取用,特別是科學知識的公眾普及層面,本文透過分析疫情之下非營利組織、高等教育,以及科研機構的呼籲以及因應措施,呈現個人、社群,以及非營利組織的努力與作為。跨領域多機構的流動性協作已是新的研究參與模式,全球公衛危機之下也不例外,或許將成為常態。本文同時強調共同研究設施以及資料互惠使用的重要,以及研究機構在建置維護數位儲存庫的任務。在最後,本文將介紹中央研究院在推展知識開放取用的工作,以為結語。

[全文 PDF:https://m.odw.tw/u/trc/m/oa2k-phe-2021-as/]


收錄於《研下知疫──COVID-19 的人文社會省思》: https://www.books.com.tw/products/0010896702

「COVID-19 的人文社會省思」專題網站:


Open Access to Knowledge during Public Health Emergencies

Tyng-Ruey Chuang | Institute of Information Science, Academia Sinica


The COVID-19 crisis has reshaped social norms and revealed global institutional shortcomings, creating fertile ground for structural changes. This paper investigates access to public health information, disease statistics, and research datasets, emphasizing the efforts of individuals, communities, and non-profit organizations (NPOs) in the pursuit of open access to knowledge. In addition, it examines scholarly publication, digital lending, and content repositories among universities, research institutes, and NPOs, especially in relation to public access to scientific knowledge. This paper also highlights the importance of research data facilities and mutual data sharing, as well as the critical role of research institutions in digital repository stewardship. Finally, it considers Academia Sinica’s facilitation of public knowledge access.

[Full text in Traditional Chinese (PDF): https://m.odw.tw/u/trc/m/oa2k-phe-2021-as/]


3 years, 7 months ago

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COVID-19 · 中央研究院 · Academia Sinica · 台北 · Taipei

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公共衛生危機下的知識開放取用 (trc)

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